Visuals of Tucson, Arizona 19.07.
Yesterday I finally finished processing the huge batch of photos from our trip to Tucson for Kelly’s wedding. I’ve given her a set of 655 images that range from her bachelorette party to the morning after to the gorgeous wedding, and finally to the huge party called the reception.
It was the hardest wedding I’ve shot to date, by far. Only because it was so emotional for me. Watching my best friend, arm in arm with her dad walk down the aisle to the new man in her life. To witness Kelly and Joel starting their life together, and to watch them seal their promises to each other with a kiss, and to celebrate this happiness with all of my friends in one place. My eyes were watering throughout the ceremony as their wedding day continued flawlessly.
I’m only sharing a small batch of what I captured, but if you are interested in seeing the entire set, let me know and I’ll be more than happy to send you the guest pass to view them all!
Leaving Alabama at 5am
Trading green pastures for sandy cliffs
Us waiting at the airport for the girls to come get us…I had never seen a cactus in person before then!
Gussied up for the bachlorette party! All of us gals have not been in the same place at the same time together in SIX years! But it was as if no time had passed…I love them!
Lookit all the cock ‘n’ balls! These were for the game “Pin the Junk on the Hunk” lol
Kelly is ready! haha we call that face she’s making “Happy Kelly” cause she turns into an anime character with moon eyes and a big smile. And what’s more fun then drinking out of a penis straw?!
Obligatory bathroom shots. Always happen.
Breakfast at Jerry Bob’s
Love this sign! Andy and I got to explore a tiny part of Tucson for about an hour while everyone else napped.
Daytime shot of the bar we went to for the B party
Toxic Ranch Records
Ready for the rehearsal dinner (me, Dana, Alicia and Zissou the pup…who was Andy’s shadow that weekend haha)
Refreshments at the Rehearsal Dinner
The happy couple!
The church where the ceremony was held
Just married!!! Taking this photo made my eyes water because just look at the happiness radiating from them!
Jump for joy!
This was on the way to the Mexican restaurant we went to…since it was three hours until the reception and everyone was starving. I love the symbolism in this photo. You can see Kelly and Joel’s silhouettes in the green truck and that “no u turn” sign hehe.
Technically, this was their first dance…in the restaurant! You can see the owner singing them a song over the loud speaker. It was so awesome! I love candid moments like these!
omg I love them!!!
The owner wanted to get a photo with the whole group to frame and hang up!
Reception site
tee hee
I loooooooooove my friends! haha we were all a hot mess by that point though!
Dana, Kim, Kelly, me, Alicia
Kelly’s Pop played flip cup with us! Holy cow can he chug haha 🙂
I am so in love with this photo! I have never seen such an exciting bouquet toss! Dana leaped over the crowd, arms stretched. Kimberly (Joel’s cousin…the blonde chick with the hat) has the greatest expression on her face. Everything about this photo makes me giddy.
The DJ played the song that I walked down the aisle to (Israel K’s “Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World”) and it was magic all over again dancing with Andy 🙂
The reception continued until 1am and after helping pack up things, both the bride and groom party came back to Kelly’s house to stay the night. The Newlyweds got a hotel suite, so it was just a bunch of drunk friends together. And chaos ensued.
Dana and Pat’s cake fight started out small, but eventually was EVERYWHERE. In between tiles, smeared on walls, all over the toilet. Not to mention chunks that were falling off them! Apparently they cleaned up their mess since neither of them were leaving until the next evening anyway.
Early morning desert mountains
Greenery!!! Flying into Huntsville’s airport