The Real Vertical House
vertical house records | white rabbit studios | hi-fi weddings | restoration website | photos | about

Introducing: White Rabbit Studios 17.06.

Got it! You’ll have to excuse the hideous ad bar at the top, but we haven’t upgraded our Vertical House hosting yet…that way we can host White Rabbit Studios as well. I figure until the site is completely ready, there’s no need to pay for the upgrade just yet.

After passing several names back and forth, Stephanie and I agreed upon White Rabbit Studios for us. Yes, it is an homage to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but I also really love the sound of it. Plus, icons of white rabbits will be so easy to design!

Along with wedding photography (and “life” photography), we hope to offer stylish design options of everything from invitations, to stationary, to whatever printed or online items someone might need in their celebrations.

Right now we are getting the website ready with all of the content. I’m both nervous and excited about this adventure. Nervous because there’s always an anxious feeling over my head until the site is ready to go. Excited because I really think this was the push I needed to really want to do this. I mean, why not? I have a blast capturing the moments of love and life between people…and especially sharing it with a dear friend with a talented eye. She and I already have several projects lined up and I can’t wait to see how it is all going to come together!

