The Real Vertical House
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New Couch and Bedroom Plans 24.05.

On Tuesday morning I’m performing a small part in a movie I was recently cast in and it’s being filmed at our house. I don’t know a whole lot about the project, but I think it will be fun! Andy and I spent the day cleaning and getting the house “camera ready” even though I think the entire scene will be in the kitchen. It’s still nice to have such a clean house!

So we finally found our perfect living room arrangement. Up until now I was never completely happy. Something always seemed to be missing. With this new couch and chair, we swapped the tv/wii/dvd/record player to a new wall with a much more stylish cabinet that fits perfectly in place. This new arrangement has actually given us more space in the room and a new seat! Now to hang all of the artwork we’ve been hoarding (Yuri’s painting of our house is the first order of business) and voila!

New chair. I have a print that I will put on that wall. I’m so picky with frames. I still need to hang Yuri’s beautiful painting of our house as well as a few other prints we have.

Sitting in the new chair, looking straight ahead.

Sadie miss!

Calla Lilies for our anniversary!

See the opening in the wall in the corner next to the bed? We originally hoped to use that as a clothes closet of sorts, but it hasn’t been working out at all. Now I’m thinking I want to build some built-in book cases that extend to the same height as the door on that wall. That will frame up the area nicely and provide us much needed book storage. Plus, who doesn’t love built-ins?! Also, I’m in search for a iron bed frame…not sure if I want white or brass. Queen size.

