The Real Vertical House
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Backyard, Maple, Wardrobe Remix 13.05.

Maple leads the way! To the left, you can see the raised garden beds. On the other side of those is where the Heirloom garden has been started.

I want to do something with this path…maybe some sort of trellis system with grapes, vines, and climbing plants to create a passage way. I don’t know yet, but I’m open to suggestions!

Maple says meow! We’re trying to spruce up the area under our kitchen window with plants. We’ve got a bunch of Irises that came from our first house, but we planted some seeds here, so I need to see what they do before transplanting the Irises to this location.

This is Maple’s favorite outside spot. She’ll roll around on these steps for hours haha.

One of the aforementioned Irises, which now actually has three beautiful blooms!

Clematis vine! I can’t wait until the flowers appear…this has become on of my favorite things in our yard.

I always forget about Wardrobe Remix…until Summer comes and I can wear my favorite dresses again!

