The Real Vertical House
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Kitties and Herbs 06.05.

We’ve already been able to harvest quite a bit from the garden!

Our first batch of strawberries!

Drying Catmint…we have SO MUCH!

Maple sat on this pile of catmint for quite some time. She would rub her face in it, look up, meow, and then bury her face again. It was adorable.

Clockwise from Left: St. John’s Wort, Oregano, Cat Mint leaves, Cat Mint flowers

We moved one of the couches off of our front porch. We plan on getting this one re-upholstered and instead of taking the HEAVY thing all the way up the stairs, we left it standing upright in the landing. Trust me, you would have too. Now it’s a new favorite spot for the kitties, particularly Maple.

