The Real Vertical House
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House Hoose Heese 30.04.

On Tuesday night we had a Welcome Home BBQ for Thomas Function since they just got in from a month long European tour. The BBQ was a lot of fun, and it’s always good to be surrounded by such great friends. At first, their plane wasn’t arriving until 8 or 9 that night, but somehow they scored a flight that landed at 5:45pm. We had porcharitas flowin’ so that always makes for a HILARIOUS night.

Our house was in no condition to have people over, so Andy and I spent Monday cleaning, pruning, pulling, re-arranging, scrubbing, washing, etc everything from the top to bottom. We cleaned up our yard (hence the pruning and pulling) even though most of the festivities would be held on the porch and inside…it was still nice to have everything neat and tidy.

Our porch!

Dining room! We finally got a small desk to put our computer on (it actually was in this house when Andy’s dad bought it back in the 70s and was being stored at his parents’ house…they cleaned it out and gave it to us). Now our dining room table can actually be used as it’s supposed to. Also, that has become one of Maple’s favorite spots now.

Living room…not much has changed since the last time I photographed it.

I know you can’t really see it in these photos, but I found the scarf-now-window-treatment at Karma Rags (a vintage clothing shop in Lowe Mill) and I had to have it since it’s just about everything we did in Nassau on our honeymoon! I know it won’t be the permanent window treatment, but I love it for now! It lets in a TON of light, but still gives us plenty of privacy.

So, a year or two ago, Nichole and I wrote a song while riding with Thomas Function in their crazy van to a show in Madison. It’s called “And Danse” and it’s a really catchy song. We’ve carried this “joke song” on over to the present time and STILL find funny verses to add. Recently, we talked about actually doing something with it and creating a band group. So we did! It’s called Cute As Hell and it features me (Gashley), Nichole (Nico), and Ashley Regan (Trashley) as the singers and so far, Matt Bakula as our DJ (DJ Throwin’ Stars, to be exact). We actually recorded a song last night and it was so much fun! We’re going to try to make this a “summer project” and see where it goes…hopefully global lol! Anyway, we had a mini photo session the night of the BBQ.

In that last photo, I was super excited for potato salad haha

