The Real Vertical House
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Random Photos 23.04.

Crazy Clouded Sunset


Strawberry! Our first one of the season! Last year the birds got to them before we could, so now we’ve put down a bird net so we can enjoy the tasty treats for ourselves. Sorry birds!

Rigged Asparagus. Our asparagus bush has surpassed me, and I’m 5’2″…for now, we’ve rigged up unused tomato cages to prop these suckers up. Hopefully next week we’ll be able to concoct something a bit better than this…especially since the plants stubbornly fall in between the cages.


*Ok so, there’s a “positive thinking exercise” that I saw while watching a DVD about the TED conference. Basically, you take your life motto, cut out certain letters, re arrange some things to eventually form a basic symbol for you to “put forth” in life. My life motto formed the infinity symbol. If you know me well enough, you know I’m already obsessed with this symbol (I have it tattooed on my hip and engraved in my wedding band), so I about flipped out when I figured that my motto formed this symbol! I can’t for the life of me remember who was speaking this awesome speech…I know he had a crazy hot Scottish accent and he wrote a famous graphic novel. But anyway, after passing by at least 50 “natural occurring” infinity signs that I came across randomly, I have finally decided to start photo documenting them. Once I saw this string lying in the beautiful figure 8, I knew I had to start now or I’d eventually kick myself later. So here’s the start to a new, ongoing project. Now, I know when you start looking for patterns and reoccurring things in life, that they will all of a sudden “appear” to you more, but that’s what I’m after! Plus, it’s fun…and I’ve been enamored with the infinity sign since it first appeared in math.

