The Real Vertical House
vertical house records | white rabbit studios | hi-fi weddings | restoration website | photos | about

Whew 15.04.

I’m finished yay! After sorting and processing through some 3,500 images, I’m finished! I spent the past few days uploading ‘the chosen ones’ to flickr. I have decided instead of making every image from every event visible, I’m only choosing 5 or 10 images from each to make public, and the rest are left private. I’ve sent each party a link and guest pass to view their set…so they can see every image. I’ve gotten great feedback from everyone, and all seem very happy! Which makes me happy!

I also spoke with my Broker (Angela) about our situation out here on site. Well, she actually brought it up. Andy will be taking over the company’s website, so we had to stop by Angela’s office to discuss the transition and such. While Andy was looking through emails, she turned to me and began apologizing for things not going according to plan and the slow start, etc. Apparently she is in the exact same boat as me: FED UP with the lack of respect, the direction the builder is taking the communities, as well as general bad business moves. I told her how right now I do have the time to sit on site, but that I was beginning to see my days get booked with record store events, weddings and other photography sessions…and that if I had to choose, well the choice is pretty obvious. She completely understood and said “give me two months” which is the EXACT time frame I was giving myself and this on-site sitting. So, I’m glad all of that went smooth and that she completely understands (and shares) my frustrations. I’m also glad to know that if this completely falls through, that I’ll still be able to hang my Realtor’s license with Angela (since it’s the builder we have a problem with) and we’ll go about how we did before this opportunity came along. I’m glad to have my Broker as such a good friend because I really love her and her family…and I have since the good ole’ days of Cafe Baba. So by June these condos will be flying off the ground and the business will be booming, or I’m walking and focusing on the many other doorways that have opened for me. It’s win win.

