The Real Vertical House
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weird! but cool! 02.04.

So, I’m sorting through over 300 photos on flickr that never got put into sets. And every so often, I check my ‘stats’ on flickr and see where referring links are coming from. Lo and behold, today I check and what site do I see? One of my other favorites, Apartment Therapy! Now I know I haven’t submitted them anything, so of course I’m curious to see where I’m linked from. Apparently, they have a “wallpapered bathroom” section and voila! There my bathroom is! Not the best-this-room-totally-rocks-cause-it’s-finished-and-fancy photo, but I guess it does show off the pattern better than any other photo.

Anyway, here is the link to the Bathroom Wallpaper article! Pretty neat to randomly discover that I’m linked to another site that has been great inspiration for me.

…now back to the sorting of those photos.

