The Real Vertical House
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Antiquing and Seeding 23.03.

Last Monday, Andy and I spent St. Patrick’s Day walking around the neighborhood, and eventually ended up at Lincoln Antiques. We walked by our favorite row of mill houses, although the amount of graffiti has doubled since last time.

Our Heirloom Seed Order came in!! We planted all of the seeds that needed to start indoors, although it’s a bit of a late start. But, not much we could have done about that…plus, I’m sure it’s fine. We’ve also started Spinach, Romaine Lettuce Mix, and Carrots directly into the ground. In a couple of weeks we’ll be able to put most of the seeds in the ground and hopefully soon, feast!

I had never seen an artichoke seed before then!

om nom nom nom

Asparagus from last year. I know it takes 2 or 3 years before it’s established, but any idea what to look for so I know when to harvest? I’m so ready for them!

