The Real Vertical House
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We Grow Hairs! 20.03.

A bit ago, my friend Julia asked if I was available for some voice-overs for a commercial. She works for Dreammaker Entertainment and they were finishing up a commercial for Crosswinds Church. It was a simple job, but a lot of fun…especially getting to visit with Julia in her swanky editing room!

After her boss heard the voice-overs, he asked for my resume and head shot. So, I sent those along, and shortly after he contacted me about doing a commercial for Transitions By Steve Latham. It’s a hair transplant service that is branching out to “help” people with their eyebrows.

The shoot itself was funny. Julia put band-aids over my eyebrows and drew on them…basically I had destroyed them so bad that I resorted to band-aids haha. Then, of course, after visiting Transitions, my eyebrows are much better!

I feel I should point out the irony of this whole situation. I HATE my eyebrows! That’s why I have bangs (and to conceal my fivehead lol)…but yeah, I thought it was funny that Mr. Transitions himself thinks I have “great” eyebrows. But hey, whatever works!

When we were at O’Bryan’s we shot the part where I had the funky-band-aided brows as well as showing off my “new” brows. In between, I did a costume change and I was cutting up with Nina (the other gal in the commercial) and I put the band-aids on the mirror in the bathroom…right at the level so when you stood there, they looked like they were on your face. Know what I mean? Anyway, it wasn’t until about an hour later when we had moved on to the next location that I realized I never took them down. I felt SO bad for leaving them there even though I hope it wasn’t a big deal. I just know it’s kinda disrespectful to deface a set you’re on…especially when they let us use their dining area for free. Ooops! I need to remember I’m not always going to be working with Crash Boom Bang or the Dead Workers party hah!

But anyway, below is the link to the commercial:

Apparently this guy has a contract with Monaco Pictures and there’s a possibility that this commercial will be played in the theaters before movies and such. haha I might not be IN the feature presentation, but by golly I’m in the commercials beforehand (maybe)!

