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Crash Boom Bang Theatre Presents: Spaghettification – Opening Weekend 19.03.

So this past weekend Crash Boom Bang Theatre opened Spaghettification and all three shows were fabulous! Opening night (Friday) had a fantastic audience that seemed to really love the show…we had wonderful feedback! Saturday night was a great performance, but the audience seemed kinda tired (I guess that’s what we get for having a 10pm showing), but they weren’t completely dead. Sunday night (early, 7pm show) was awesome! A lot of parents came to this show, and they were just as good as Friday night’s audience. The performance itself was dead-on and it was great hearing and playing off all of the laughter!

Tomorrow night and Saturday night we have the show at 9pm. I’m glad we are closing with a Saturday night show…high energy and going out with a bang! Plus, Saturday is the dodge ball tournament at the mill and I’m hoping Sara’s idea of a BBQ will pan out, cause that’ll just add a lot of fun.

During the first weekend we only took a few photos, but I’m hoping to get a good head shot of everyone in character (with makeup, hair, costume, etc) as well as more stage shots so Andy and I can really start putting the Crash Boom Bang Theatre website together.

The crew in the mess hall

Ed (Ben Ryhne) and Judith (me) try to meditate their anxiety away

Ed and Judith discuss the situation with Adidas Jansport (Chris Short)

Ed, Judith, and Adidas try to cheer Chuck (Conrad) up

Curtain call!

*Note: this is definitely not the entire show. There are many more scenes, but I don’t want to give too much away with photographs…the rest will come after Saturday night!


Last night we also began filming! This script is just too good not to turn it into a movie. Plus, we’ve already thought of tons of ideas to add to the story line to hopefully produce an awesome movie. Cory took some great infrared shots during the filming:

(it looks like I have no pants on!)

So yeah, if you can make it this weekend, I encourage you to do so. We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback about this show. Plus, I think just about everyone in the cast is totally in love with the script, so we’ve been giving it our all…and $7 is cheap for good entertainment!

