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aaaaaaand we’re back! 03.03.

Crash Boom Bang Theatre Presents: Spaghettification

Performances on: Fri 3/13 at 9pm, Sat 3/14 at 10pm, Sun 3/15 at 7pm, Fri 3/20 at 9pm, and Sat 3/21 at 9pm

All performances at the Flying Monkey Theatre at 2211 Seminole Drive. Presale tickets are available for $1 cheaper on the CBB website.


While filming the accredited show ‘Man Alive’, the crew aboard Ms. Jaxxon find themselves lost in space. They’ve lost communication with the Network and are now orbiting the ergo sphere of a black hole. With the Captain’s love for his ship growing stronger everyday, can the crew convince him not to manually override Ms. Jaxxon and fly into the black hole to become one with her? Will the crew ever be saved? What happened to planet Earth? And what would you do if you were the only humans left in the galaxy?

If I could convince you to come to one Crash Boom Bang show, it would be this one. The show was written by Robert Parker, who I think is our best writer. He uses very intelligent humor, no dick, sex or fart jokes (although they’ve had their place in previous shows). The cast is by far one of my favorites, because not only are we all great friends (no drama yay!), but because everyone gives it their all and always puts on a great show. For real, the plays Robert writes are my favorite shows, to date…out of all the theatre I’ve done throughout my life. The lines, the characters, the attention to detail, the storyline, the humor…all of it…Robert just knows how to write a play.

