The Real Vertical House
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NOLA 07.02.

As of last night, we are planning to go to New Orleans in two weeks! Thomas Function is playing with Quintron, so that will be an awesome show, with awesome people. Nichole is either going to ride down with them to their Auburn show or ride with us. We are debating on if we should take the train ($70 round trip) or drive. My parents, sister and I took a train one Thanksgiving to visit family and it was SO much fun!

The timing is impeccable. We’ll be there during our days off, so we don’t have to bother having to ask someone to watch the record store or anything (haha it’s like our kid). We’ve been wanting to go back to New Orleans ever since the Year of the Gun Tour in 2007. While it was a BLAST on tour, there wasn’t much time for exploring the city. Andy and I had to walk past all of the antique and record stores with the faces of children being rushed away from a candy store.

We are planning on leaving Saturday afternoon and come back on Tuesday. Three nights in one of my favorite cities, with my favorite person, with some of our best friends. What more could you need? Okay, I’ll be honest, it would be cool if our kitties could come hah!

But yeah, we haven’t been on a trip in a long while, so this is exciting!

