The Real Vertical House
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Backyard Planning for ’09 28.01.

On flickr, you can see the notes I’ve included with each photograph and what I want to go where…however, on livejournal I’ll just have to describe it the best way I can.

A greenhouse will eventually (probably not likely in ’09) share this wall with the garage. If possible, a door to be placed where the concrete path leads for easy access to the garage.

Rain barrels to be placed on either side of the “grape vine” (we’ll see what happens with that vine haha)…heirloom garden beds will be in the sunny location down from where the rain barrels will be. Easy access!

These are last year’s beds. We plan on waiting to see what will come back. We’re building all new beds for the heirloom seeds, and we are going to incorporate square foot gardening. I don’t really want to risk cross pollination between last year’s plants with this year’s crop. We plan on letting some of the herbs “take over” some of the blank space we have in the rest of the yard.

Fire pit! Right in the middle of the circle!

I want to intertwine a Moon Garden with the branches of the trees. Can you picture those warm summer nights with fireflies twinkling among tiny lights strung throughout the trees and Moon Flowers? With the sweet scent of Four O’Clocks (which we have aplenty!) adding a twist to your cup of green tea…and the cicadas singing you to slumber. Ah, summer…I’m so ready!

Garden Planning Series '09

You can click on that photo and see most of the notes all at once (not including: the moon garden and fire pit)

