The Real Vertical House
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Project 365: Days 16-22 22.01.

Day Sixteen: Sadie Photobombed!

Day Seventeen: Jones Valley

Day Eighteen: Paperwhites Bud

Day Nineteen: Paperwhites Blooms! Seriously, overnight! It was awesome!

Day Twenty: Can you tell I have Spring fever? Peace Lily bounced back to life after a glass of water and Rubberman is new to the family!

Day Twenty-One: Me and Sadie

Day Twenty-Two: Maple in the Window


Additional Photos:

This photo was taken in November of last year on a rainy afternoon. I can’t wait for Broccoli Head (the tree) to fill out again!

I love the afternoon light our living room gets! Pardon the bits of mess in the photo. I know the photo of our house looks a bit blown out, but I like it! These were taken with our old camera (on “beach” setting) since it’s easier to take with us where ever we go.

Photo of the Tavern after the Thomas Function show last Friday. God knows I love those guys, but good grief, what a not-so-great show. All drinks and no play makes Thomas not Function. hah!

Chemtrails…not to be confused with Contrails (because come on, when have you seen planes leave trails like that?!) Google it and learn for yourself. This photo was taken on December 31st. I’ve noticed Huntsville gets sprayed on either/both the last day and first day of each month. Maybe next time you’ll notice. Now to find out the reasons behind this shit. You can actually find out a lot of information on stuff like this at The Big Agenda…scroll down a bit and you’ll see the HAARP and Chemtrails video section.

