The Real Vertical House
vertical house records | white rabbit studios | hi-fi weddings | restoration website | photos | about

500 08.11.

I have reached 500 entries with this lj name!

My first journal (afwee) was started back when you had to be invited to use lj. And thanks to Stephanie, she invited me and several of our other friends (that, sadly, no longer use it) so we could stay in touch while they all went off to college. I was the young’un that was still in high school, but it was a great way for us all to stay connected.

I actually still have several other journals that are still activated, but I no longer write in them because I was in a completely different mindset when they were started than I am today.

I began theverticalbar shortly after meeting Andy. We were spending all of our time together and I wanted a place to document all of the fun we were (are) having. I’m so glad I did because there’s so much to look back on and I’m sure there will be so much for us in the future.

So, what’s your entry count?

