The Real Vertical House
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Chilly Days 29.10.

On Monday Andy and I spent the day bringing in all of our green babies (plants) to get them ready for winter. A few weeks ago we planted several things so hopefully come Spring, we’ll have a beginning of a garden plan. I was tired of just letting plants sit in their containers until I could decide where to put them…so in the ground they went! I figure if I hate its placement later, I can always dig it up and move it.

We also hooked up our gas heater and hung our beautiful curtain to help keep the heat downstairs. It’s funny how in the winter, the kitties are much more inclined to snuggle. Maple will sleep curled up by me throughout the night, while Sadie is practically snoring under the covers between me and Andy. It’s also funny to be able to see their winter coat coming in…all of a sudden they are both so much fluffier!

I cut the two bushels of Hydrangea flowers before the freeze took its toll. Also harvested and pictured are Lavender (smells so wonderful!), lettuce flowers (the yellow ones), and carrots (finally!)

All of our plants now line the staircase. The kitties love when this happens! They spent an hour licking leaves and playing among the plants. Since the heater hooks up to the gas line by the living room fireplace, I figured I should move the cameras to the bedroom mantle so the heat wouldn’t damage them. The living room mantle will have to be scarce until the heater season is over.

As much as I HATE winter, I’m trying to embrace it this year. Mainly I hate it because I keep my teeth clenched, and I get cold SO easily. Plus, having Raynaud’s Disease make wintertime miserable for me. Once the temperatures reach 50 degrees, I have to bring out the gloves because that’s when my fingers and toes begin to go numb. My doctor thinks this came about because of a certain type of chemotherapy treatment I was exposed to. Woo!

