The Real Vertical House
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The Anti-Fashion Show 19.10.

Friday night was the Anti-Fashion Show at the Flying Monkey Arts Center. It was hosted by Irisewn and Karma Rags, who both reside at the monkey. Joanna (Irisewn) took items from Cheryl’s (Karma Rags) vintage clothing store and re-worked a lot of the pieces. Cheryl had models show off selected pieces from her shop. I modeled for both, and it was a lot of fun! Unfortunately, Andy couldn’t get too many pictures because there was no space in the booth and there was already a gathering of photographers that snagged the best floor spots. However, Corry got several great infrared shots that came out great! You can also see snip-its from last year’s show in that flickr set.

Lookit my hair! The ladies that styled Joanna’s models’ hair did a great job! They were all very eccentric and huge. So Joanna created that dress basically from scratch. The only thing she saved from the original dress was the hot pink top, but she re-worked it. She has such a neat eye with fashion, and I love what she comes up with. You can see more styles that were created if you click on the link above to Corry’s flicker set.

