The Real Vertical House
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Andy and I went to Lewter’s Hardware Store today to look at gas inserts. They have some that look like coal piles that fit perfectly into coal sized fireplaces (like ours). Hopefully we’ll be able to get one and possibly put it in the bedroom before the winter chill gets here. Lewter’s is fantastic. Numerous times we’ve gone to Home Depoop and they’ve been clueless for what we were looking for. Walk into Lewter’s and in five seconds you have what you need in hand. Great service since 1929. AND they have several cats wondering around! The guy above would not let me take his picture properly…every time I got close, so did he! It was cute.

We have a shower downstairs! My dad (pictured above) came over and helped us hook it up on Monday. It was definitely a three person job that took a good chunk of the day. Especially because we had no instructions…only a photo I found online to go by. But everything worked, nothing leaked, and the shower is great! Andy found the perfect shower hooks and I swear they were made for us. They alternate with “Hot” and “Cold”. Now to just hook up the sink and we’ll have a completed bathroom downstairs…

