The Real Vertical House
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In the Belly of the Beast 21.08.

The Thomas Function and Digital Leather show that we had in our record store last night was awesome.


So tomorrow is the rehearsal dinner for the wedding on Saturday I am shooting (with my dad). I cannot express to you how nervous I am. I told Stephanie in an email today that you could fill the Butterfly House at the Botanical Gardens with all the ones fluttering around in my belly. Which, by the way, I visited today…the butterfly house, not my belly. My dad and I met around 1:30 this afternoon to scout out the Arbor and play with lighting and such. We also walked around a bit to decide where to take some bridal/bridal party/groom/groomsmen shots outdoors, if weather (hopefully) permits. You’ll notice a couple of shots that can incorporate a bride and groom, but most of these are ‘just cause’ I wanted to post them.

I’ll feel much better after the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night…but until then, I’m so jittery.

Those are some lucky birds to live in those houses! They’d even get a bicycle!!

