The Real Vertical House
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Our House 18.08.

living room

foyer (which has had no work done…it’s more of a catch-all at this point)



this photo shows off our pac man sheet you can see hanging from the window in the living room. one day our dining room will be a place we can sit down to eat…not work. it will have to be our office until the upstairs has been renovated.

dining room…and all of the papers that need to be moved upstairs and filed. I guess I could have picked up a bit, but I was too shutter happy to care!

…and that’s all of the downstairs. one day we’ll get to the three rooms upstairs, and hopefully the attic if support allows. oh, and a screen porch off the kitchen…if the historic society allows. oh, and a green house off of the garage! oh, and…

