The Real Vertical House
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Christmas Day 26.12.

We started the day at 8am by going over to his brother’s house. The whole family meets over there every Christmas for breakfast, Santa, and more presents (for the kids). We left there around 10am and had a few hours to kill before meeting my parents and sister to go see my Grandma in Madison. She’s still in therapy at a nursing home. It’s always hard to go into those places, especially at Christmas. G-ma was doing well, she was just a bit tired, so the visit was short.

Earlier, we looked up the times for Juno, and we aimed for the 2:40 showing at Monaco. Talk about perfect timing. Grandma’s visit ended at 2:20, so we had plenty of time to get to the theater. The movie was cute, but not as good as I thought it would be. I still really enjoyed it, but something was missing. I guess I hoped Michael Cera’s (Superbad) character played a larger part in the movie. Oh well. The soundtrack was brilliant, and really triggered my emotions…but that’s what it’s supposed to do.

After the movie, the sun was starting to set and it made the entire area radiate. The camera battery only lasted for about 10 minutes, but I captured what I wanted.

