The Real Vertical House
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Lucky Dallas 17.11.

Last night was weird. Andy was driving home from work when he saw a tiny white animal jump out of a recycling truck on the interstate. When he got home he told me about it, and we decided to go back and see what it was and if it was ok. Sure enough, huddled on the side of I-565 was a tiny white and tan kitten. My heart sank when I spotted her little gray ears. I knew what I was trying to deny in my head was true. Andy jumped out of the car and tried to get close to her but she started to dart into the traffic. Andy backed away as we both watched her jump onto the ledge of the interstate…and jump off. 50 feet. I looked over the edge and saw her barely miss the sharp tips of the twisting metal fence below. She landed on her feet and actually walked off a little ways before curling in a ball. Tears were stinging my eyes as we sprinted back to the car and hauled ass to Dallas Street. She jumped right where Roper Automotive was. She was huddled in a ball beside the fence. For two hours last night we tried to offer her food and water to try to get close to her. Our plan was to take her to the emergency animal clinic to get her help. She kept running off and eventually we lost trace of her. I gave my cell number to the gentleman whose back yard we followed her into last and he said he’d call if he saw her.

This morning we were both awake by 8am with the little bundle of fluff on our mind. We went back to the yard we left the night before. The man happened to be in his yard and said he just found the kitten sitting on the tire of his jeep and was just about to call me. She was still alive! She made it through the night! However, in the daylight, I could see her eyes were having trouble tracking. I’m sure she has a head injury of some kind. But this put a whole new perspective of the situation. She was most likely seeing three or four of these giant humans hovering over her trying to touch her. We tried just sitting with her and I actually got a chance to pet her for a bit before she darted off. She ran into the fence a few times before climbing and jumping over. She seemed set on not letting us get her. All I can think to do is let her rest…where ever she is…and hope to find her when she’s not so dizzy. I talked to another neighbor where I think she ran to last and also gave them my number. They had cats of their own, so the woman offered to leave some food out in case the kitten was in the yard and got hungry. She has two sons and a daughter that are going to keep an eye out.

I really hope we can find her and get her help. I mean, to survive jumping out of a truck going 60+ mph, to land and not get hit by a car, to jump off a 50+ foot high edge, and be able to walk if off is a fight for life. I’d love to give her a nice, safe environment to live in if she’ll let me. If not, perhaps in a few weeks time she’ll wander into the arms of another caring soul willing to save someone in need. It makes me wonder exactly what Maple or Sadie might have gone through before they became ours.

This ones for you Lucky Dallas. May you have a safe life from here on out, and perhaps we’ll meet again.


mayavada 17.11.

Poor kitty!

What wonderful people you guys are…..*hugs*
