The Real Vertical House
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Today 15.07.

Yay! I updated our house’s website with some new photos that show more how we live, and less staged everything-in-its-right-place kinda thing.

We finally got a screen (door) for our back door. It’s nice on evening like this when I can leave the back door and the front windows open and feel the nice cross breeze. Especially in the summer. I love when summer nights drop into the upper 60s. Today I swapped out the books on the living room mantle to fit our cameras. I think having them out like this (with film readily tucked behind them) I’ll be more prone to take one (or all) oot and aboot. One day I shall hook my scanner to “digitize” all of my film shots. Especially the polariods…I had a polariod-a-day series going on for a few months, until I ran out of film.

Today we pickled more cucumbers, and still have several batches to do. Anybody care for some homemade pickles? If they taste good, of course. We also gathered enough okra to fry it mmm. I’m a huge fan of it, and this was my first time to cook it…Andy’s too! It puts me in the mood for fall…and Thanksgiving. But I’m not really ready for summer to be over! Tonight’s dinner was steak and fried okra. I had the salad (freshly grown from our yard) ready to go, but we realized we had nothing to top our salads with…so they’ll be had tomorrow.

These are “as-is” shots of the bedroom. No moving things out of the way, no straightening the covers…shit, no making the bed, genuinely lived-in photos. My new wardrobe is on the far right…the blonde colored wood. I love it so much, and I think it will help me stay organized and not get a million more pieces of clothes. Well, actually that is probably a lie. I’ll find room somehow.

The kitties enjoyed playing in the yard while we harvested veggies and picked weeds out of the raised beds. However, Maple ended up bringing us a bird. It was still alive, so I coaxed her to put it down. I picked her up and we left it alone. A while later, I went and checked on it, and it could hop and flutter off of the ground. He was a grown bird, and eventually made his way up the fence and into a tree, I presume. Hope he’ll be ok…

