BEACH!! 30.08.
It has been a little over a year since our last beach break! A couple of weeks ago we ventured to Destin with the same Beach Crew to celebrate the final sha-bang of Summer. Just like last time, I only brought my Instax camera and phone to document the trip.
This trip was wonderful and gave Andy and I a lot of time to think about ideas for the future. We had some fantastic discussions with the setting sun as the background and the sounds of waves crashing between mini epiphanies. It’s always hard returning home from vacation, but at least we can start looking forward to next year! (Although we are returning to the beach in September for a dear friend’s wedding – CAN’T WAIT!)
This year we rode down with friends, and had the entire backseat to ourselves! Loads of giggles on the car ride!
Made great timing to the condo!
metal as fuck!
dinner spot for the first night
There’s nothing quite like waking up next to some of your best friends AT THE BEACH. Once everyone was awake, we headed down to the ocean. It was a full day of bobbing, jumping waves, and drinking beers. As the day grew to a close, storm clouds rolled in. We all opted to eat at one of favorite spots that night, Dewey’s. Although the wait is always long, it’s totally worth it.
morning sweet friends!
We only got a bit of beach time before the rain decided to play all day. We spent a lot of time in the pool, then opted to get fresh seafood and have a shrimp broil. Travis and Adam were (are) excellent chefs! Super spicy noms made for a great ending to a rather dreary day.
Since the rain was still lingering, we took our time getting up and to the Donut Hole. After a delicious breakfast, the rain cleared enough to get some beach time in! We ended the night with more yummy food from the Back Porch.
Hands down, one of the best days at the beach! Similar to our first day, we spent the entire afternoon battling waves. This time, the flags were red, which made for some bumpy and fun rides. Since the rain stayed at bay during sunset, Andy and I were finally able to get in a nice, long walk admiring the beach and talking about a variety of things. While we were having our “date”, our friends had started prepping for the final shrimp boil. The final night is always bittersweet. While it’s awesome to return to our house, store, kitties, and families, it’s always sad saying by to the beach. At least there’s next year to look forward to!
lol my husband is the Coppertone Baby!
Waking up to a beautiful day at the beach, knowing you have to leave, is torture. We spent the morning cleaning the condo and packing up the last of everything. Instead of teasing ourselves with the sand and sea, we all decided to just go ahead and get on the road.
Bye beach!
home by sunset!