The Real Vertical House
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Sunday evening walk 18.05.

We stopped and smelled all of the roses we passed.


I went ahead and planted my foxgloves because the soil it was sitting in was no longer holding water, and it was beginning to droop. We also just acquired a truckload of real pine mulch from a tree stump that was shredded. We topped off all of our raised beds, and everything planted in the ground…and we still have 3+ bags. Also, I clipped some of the catnip I’m growing to try to make catnip tea…and of course, homemade toys for Sadie and Maple. It’s drying in the window, and every time the cats jump up on the counter, they try to take it down.

Today we cleaned the upstairs. More than half of a room is stuff to sell. We are getting so good at not hoarding. I think there are less than 5 small boxes of stuff that will eventually go in our office. Also, Andy cleaned the bathroom up there, and it’s so much better! And we finally got the bathroom window to open for ventilation. Mold was starting to grow around the shower, and that’s never good. Since we don’t have electricity upstairs, we can’t use a vent fan. So hopefully having the window open will help stop the mold from growing.

Albeit late, I love spring cleaning.

