The Real Vertical House
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r a d i o h e a d 10.05.

On the way to Radiohead…haha I caught Andy a bit off guard with that picture. Andy took off at noon and we had planned to leave the house by noon thirty. However, as we are getting everything together, we notice the camera isn’t around. Search here, search there…then began to get a bit frustrated. We sped to the store to see if we had left it there, but it was no where to be seen. Panic began setting in, as we both had absolutely no idea where it last was…and it’s way out of character for either of us to have just “misplaced” the camera, seeing as how that thing goes with us everywhere.

Luckily, we still have the one we used before our newest. And luckily they use the same battery and memory card type. And luckily we just so happened to have an extra battery and 1gig memory card.

And we were off to Atlanta around 1pm. The day had threats of tornadoes as we were reminded throughout what was supposed to be the Dave Ramsey show. We were headed east, and already had a lead on the storm, so I wasn’t too worried, although my thoughts were with Huntsville since it was in the direct path.

We arrived in Atlanta, and decided to go straight to the show since traffic held us up for a good hour or so. Liars opened for Radiohead, and it was cool. We both wished they had played more stuff from older albums, but no matter really since that wasn’t who we were there to see.

My stomach dropped when the whole arena when black and you could feel the crowd. This was the first show I had been to in a looooong time where there was this many people and I didn’t know a soul in immediate site (although I did see a few friends before and after the show yay!) As the crowd cheered louder and louder, my heart began racing. And the feeling washed over me again of getting to see my all time favorite perform right in front of me.

It was everything I hoped for, and more. The last time I saw them I was with friends that I ended up leaving to try to sneak into the pit. And it worked. I was dead center with only a couple of people in front of me. It was a magical moment I had with myself and the music. During this show I realized how glad I was that I was ‘alone’ the first time so I could experience how powerful it is to see them with someone…especially someone you love. Especially, when two years ago the just-leaked-still-kinda-rough Arpeggi/Weird Fishes was playing at our wedding. And then getting to hear it together live, right in front of us. Last night we danced together with our arms around each other in pure bliss. Of course my eyes watered every time chords or beats to my favorite songs began. And when you could hear the audience singing along, breathily, during “I’m not here, this isn’t happening.” And when they shouted during “we’re not scaremongering, this is really happening happening.” And when the piano notes sent chills down my spine. And during every second of Everything in it’s Right Place because it absolutely was.

Although hearing stuff from all of the albums would have been great, I am very happy with the set list. When you’ve got so many good songs to choose from, I can imagine the set list being a daunting task. Here’s what they played:

“All I Need”
“There There”
“15 Step”
“Where I End and You Begin”
“Pyramid Song”
“Weird Fishes/Arpeggi”
“The National Anthem”
“You and Whose Army”
“Everything in Its Right Place”
“Bangers and Mash”

“The Gloaming”
“Talk Show Host”
“Faust Arp”
“How to Disappear Completely”

Second Encore:
“Paranoid Android”
“House of Cards”

Slowly but surely I’m uploading the videos either I or Andy took. You’ll have to excuse the camera wobble and the insane light show that sometimes made the camera re-focus. But you can’t really beat the sound quality.

…more videos to come.

