The Real Housewives of Porcharita County 22.11.
The title of this post is a seven inch album title our friend Justin suggested (hahaha). I gotta admit, it’s weird having to think of what title and art you want to put on an album. An actual slap of vinyl. Holy shit. Obviously you know I hold records near and dear to my heart. Most of the time I was always the one helping book shows, or supporting friends’ bands. This past year something really clicked and I thought it would be a ton of fun to be IN a band. However, I’m not really a musical prodigy or anything. I mean, I know notes, and I can play stuff I’m taught, I can write lyrics, etc…but our friends Josh and Matt pretty much shit out complete songs. I mean that in the most sincere way because everything flows (yuk yuk) so naturally with them…and pretty much every song is solid gold.
Anyway, at the beginning of the year, I kinda put it out there to the Universe that I’d love to be in a band. Now here we are, in the home stretch of the year, and I’m waiting to get the final mixes for the songs going on The Porcharitas’ first seven inch. Thanks life…I love how you work out.
Here’s what happened in Timbrook Studios two nights ago! Thanks again to Helen, Martin, Ben (BARB!), Dustin, and Andy for helping make a fleeting thought, turned secret hope into an actual reality. Dustin sent us home with two demos, which I’m sharing below. It’ll be neat to hear everything once it’s all mixed, but I’m stoked to have what we do thus far. Go team!
Click to listen:
The Porcharitas – Pillow Fight
The Porcharitas – The Clap