The Real Vertical House
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When It Rains, It Pours 04.04.

And the good news keeps on coming in.

First, congrats to one of my long time, best (in the true sense) friends Stephanie for her recent engagement to her found half!

Another congrats to my friend Kelly for her engagement, but she’s a loser and doesn’t have a livejournal (hah).

My Grandma’s Pookie (kitty) has returned after missing for a month!

Andy has a wonderful job opportunity.

Several friends have exciting trips coming up 🙂

Vertical House has been re-vamped.

And one that fell into our lap about 20 minutes ago is sort of a different excitement. Vertical House is participating in Record Store Day on April 19th. We’ve been trying to find all sorts of distributors to order new vinyl from, but hadn’t been having good luck. So 20 minutes ago I got a phone call from a distro in California that saw we were participating in RSD and specialized in vinyl. He sent us sign-in info so we can peruse their site. HOLY SHIT! We found just about EVERY Radiohead release on vinyl…all in one place. Not to mention a plethora of other bands that have been special requested.

So, again, LJ friends of mine that are interested in vinyl: is there anything you are looking for?!?!

