The Real Vertical House
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Week End 30.03.

Saturday, after the Artist Market, Andy and I went to Surin. We got there right as they opened for dinner and had a nice, private meal on the patio.

Our grapevine is taking over the top stair landing. Last year, when he was outside, we never saw any grapes because the birds always got to them first. I wonder if he’ll fruit this year indoors…

Today we cleaned up the backyard (but still have a ways to go…) and planted Elephant Ears and Yellow Jasmine along the side of the house. Hopefully we’ll be able to train the Yellow Jasmine to climb along the porch. The raised beds are now in their position, and eventually they will lead into the greenhouse. Today we bought some starter plants in case the seeds don’t work out. I also researched which veggies and herbs are compatible so I know who can share beds with each other. Maple and Sadie had a fun day in the yard, and Maple showed off her tree-climbing skills.

(this photo has ‘alabama’ written all over it)

