The Real Vertical House
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grocery shopping

white bunny flowers?!?!?! this backyard continues to surprise me

maple looks evil & sadie just sat there and let me put a ton of grass on her

broccoli sprouts!

Today we built 4 beds that will eventually grow our veggies. We built them out of the wood crates that were used as walls in our kitchen and bath. (I also want to make shelves out of a few of the crate pieces). I know we need to start a compost pile, but it’s kinda hard to actually remember…but I’ll get there. Sadie and Maple enjoy getting to go outside (just about) everyday. I do too! The sun brings the feeling of life…so warm and energetic. I can’t wait until these random chilly days turn to warm days that continue into the night. Porch parties. Cook-outs. Fireflies. Warm walks. Swimming.

It seems as if everyone is coming from or going to New Orleans except us. hah I’ve tallied over 30 references so far. No worries…I know we’ll go soon enough. I used to long for the ocean and sandy beaches, now I beg to see the shotgun houses and antique brick streets that posses me.

