The Real Vertical House
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Fall Fotos 24.12.

I know it’s Christmas Eve…and I’m about to post about fall pictures, but that just shows you how far behind I am on blogging. Between blogging on White Rabbit Studios and Hi-Fi Weddings, I finally have the time to sit down and post to my personal BLAHg. So pardon me while I berate you with a smorgasbord of posts!

Bennett Nurseries

Bennett Nurseries Bennett Nurseries

Bennett Nurseries

Bennett Nurseries Bennett Nurseries

Bennett Nurseries

Bennett Nurseries

This year we grew loofah gourds and they finally are ripe for pickin’! This thing is LOADED with seeds, so if you’re interested in growing your own sponge (or veggie, if picked early) then let me know and I’d love to send you some seeds!

Loofa Gourd and Seeds

