The Real Vertical House
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Garden Goodies 12.09.

As the Summer season winds down, it will be sad to see some of my favorite plants hibernate until next year. While we definitely didn’t get everything checked off of our ‘garden to-do’ list, we had a pretty good harvest all in all. Hopefully we can prep more this fall and winter for an even bigger garden next year!




wheelbarrow sedum



Okra Flower

okra bloom




banana cantaloupe! anyone want seeds?!


lime treeling


orange tree!




four o’clock – if you’re looking for a fragrant flower, I can’t recommend these enough! smell so wonderful and come in such fun colors!


clemais – another super fragrant, super easy to grow flower vine. can be invasive, but how can you not love it?

Porch Plant

porch plant


front porch gnome

Lemon Mint Drying Herbs

lemon mint & drying herbs

Kitchen Window

drying herbs

How Much is that Tiny in the Window?

Tiny in the window!


tyler 29.09.

i have a front porch gnome too!! we caught someone taking a picture of him when we moved into our apartment in raleigh! 🙂 this looks delicious.

tyler 29.09.

I MEANT the fried food post looks delicious. not the flowers. my bbbbb

Ashley 30.09.

awww yay for gnomes! yeah, i started a photo project of gnomes around five points but never did anything with it haha.
