The Real Vertical House
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Demo Day Two

Things are getting more interesting as walls and ceilings come down. The kitchen and bathroom walls were built with wood from what looks to have been crates or something (see the second to last photo) and they were pieced up like a puzzle. The rafter beams that made up the ceilings in the kitchen and […]


Elf Yourself!

Your Turn!


Petree the Christmas Tree

We got a mini tree this year since it would be less of a mess with our house being for sale. His name is Petree the Christmas Tree.


Vertical House…an actual store – coming soon!

Yesterday, Andy and I attended a Flying Monkey Board Meeting after being invited by Daniel. We are helping develop a calendar of sorts to pass out at shows, etc. with upcoming activities. It feels good to be active again with this sort of thing. We also decided that we are going to open our record […]


I’m not sure who on here has a account, but I’ve created a group for the Flying Monkey Arts Center. If just two more people joined, the group will stay active. Once there are more members, a group chart will be formed. I know a lot of people support the Flying Monkey, so I […]

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